chakras are whirling energy centers 3 to 4 inches in diameter ie the size of a cricket ball half immersed in the physical body and the other half projecting outside the body They rotate 180 degrees clockwise and 180 anticlockwise. Chakras energize Control major physical organs and cleanse Push. out used up impure prana. by this rotation But the size of the chakras varies depending upon the evolutionary development and Spiritual development of the person Great Yogis Super Persons it may up to 2 meeters In diameter and it open out and blossom just like a flower bud opens to a flower At this stage, the Yogi may have highly. activated kundalini. and a large pillar of light on Bhramarandhra. leading the Yogi. to the Superconscious stage, Those attained superconsciousness the Ajna chakra may extend more than 100 meters from the gross body and open out in a tubular flower Just the shape of a Nagaswaram having a while star. blue Globe and 96 Golden Petals There will be around - 2000 mini and micrchakra embedded in the astral bodyembeddedanging clours and size. The miraculouslous most wonderful magnificent beautifuttthingsng in the Universe Clairvoyants can see the aura and chakra. And. Those having sensitive or psychic hand chakras can feel energy fields aura and Chakra There are some simple procedures to make hand chakras psychic and sensitive.