sound of god
The Sound of God:
*In the start, there was sound, and the* *sound was with God, and the sound was God. You know, among various articulations, the statement of sound is the subtlest, subtler even than light, and that is the reason the karńendriya, the ear, is treated as the subtlest organ. Presently, these acoustic articulations are of two sorts: one is heavenly, or profound, acoustic articulation, and the other is actual acoustic articulation. The sound you hear is actual acoustic articulation, and correspondingly there is profound acoustic articulation in the heavenly domain, in the otherworldly grounds. However, on account of the Non-Attributional Substance, on account of Nirguńa Brahma, there is no articulation, in light of the fact that Nirguńa signifies "where there has been no articulation". However, on account of Saguńa [Saguńa Brahma, the Attributional Entity] and surprisingly beginning from Puruśottama [the Core Consciousness], there is articulation. What's more, that articulation, till it arrives at the actual circle, is profound acoustic articulation, otherworldly sound.*
*You know, at whatever point you think something, you make mental sound. Is' opinion? Believing is intellectually talking. Is it not a reality? You are thinking, "Gracious, my visa will lapse on such-and-such day." Really you are talking intellectually. Mmmm. What's more, when you talk actually, others can likewise hear; when you talk intellectually, others might hear. [Much giggling among the audience.]*
*Now, one may get this actual sound as per the limit of one's acoustic organs, one's ears. You can't get extremely short or extremely long sounds. Likewise, in the inward circle there are a few phases, a few layers, a few stages; and when the internal faculties create by dint of sádhaná, one will hear that heavenly stable, that inward solid. It is known as the sound of quiet. The what? The sound of quietness. Also, it is the thing that is known as oṋḿkára in Sanskrit – prańava or oṋḿkára.*
*When those inward faculties grow, at that point in the main stage sádhakas [spiritual aspirants] can hear the sound, that internal sound, that inward voice, that heavenly solid. In the principal stage it resembles the sound of crickets. [Imitates the sound.]*
*You know, the cricket is a creepy crawly that makes a pauseless sound [imitates] in the haze. You have seen [it in] open fields, especially in the blustery season. Mmmm… one will hear a cricket sound.*
*Then in the following stage, as though someone is hitting the dance floor with ghuṋghur [ankle bells]. (You know, ghuṋghur – you use it during the táńd́ava dance. In Sanskrit it is called nupur.) Next you will hear the sound of woodwinds – as though someone is playing a woodwind. At that point the sound of the sea, you know? A specific sound is made by the ocean. And afterward, in the fifth stage, taḿ, taḿ, actually like chimes, the sound of ringers. Lastly, the sound is very much like ooṋṋṋ – the oṋḿkára in unadulterated structure. Also, after that there stays no stable, on the grounds significantly more than one that there closes the domain, the degree, of Saguńa. After that there is the extent of Nirguńa. In the domain of Nirguńa there can't be any stable, in light of the fact that there can't be any articulation. Not heavenly articulation, not even supra-clairvoyant expression.*
*By dint of sádhaná, in the last stage you will hear the sound, the oṋḿkára – ooṋṋṋ. You will hear that sound. It is known as the oṋḿkára or prańava. In the Vedas it has been said, Prańavátmakaḿ Brahma ["Brahma is of a similar sort as prańava"]. At the point when one can hear that prańava, in the following stage one will interact with Nirguńa Brahma. That is the reason prańava is called Prańavátmakaḿ Brahma. Prá – nu + al = prańava. Prańava implies that substance that helps the sádhaka to interact with Parama Puruśa. In Sanskrit another name for prańava is Shabda Brahma – Brahma communicated as shabda. Shabda implies sound. So a day will come when this prańava will turn into an unrefined reality for you. Presently, for some of you, prańava is in fairyland [much laughter], [but actually] it is an unrefined reality.*