Chakara asana yoga

Chakrasana - The Wheel Posture 

Ordinary act of this asana is nourishment for fruitlessness, asthma, and osteoporosis. Chakrasana likewise fortifies liver, pancreas, and kidneys and is best yogasana to invigorate the Thyroid Organs. 

Step by step instructions to do Chakrasana 


Stand straight with your feet somewhat separated. 

Spot your palms against your lower back and push your pelvic locale marginally forward. 

Breathe out. Bend your trunk in reverse. Backing the heaviness of your body with your thighs. 

Gradually stretch your arms over your head as you keep on twisting in reverse. 

Twist till your palms drop to the floor behind you. 

Quickly fix your palms to help your body and to stay away from a fall. 

Your body should frame a curve. 

Inhale equally. Keep up your situation for a couple of moments.



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