crow asana
Crow Pose
This heat-building arm balancing posture will strengthen your upper body, tone your abdominals, and increase your focus.
Step By Step++
From a standing position, squat down and place your hands shoulder-width distance apart on the floor. Spread your fingers wide and press your finger pads into the floor. Bend your knees wide and place them on your upper triceps near your armpits.
Gaze forward. Begin to shift your body weight forward into your hands and finger pads until you come to the balls of your feet. Lean forward slightly and lift your feet off the floor as you bring your heels towards your buttocks and your big toes together. Contract your inner thigh and core muscles.
Stay here with bent elbows, or if you feel ready to intensify this posture, then begin to straighten your arms by pressing into your hands and finger pads and contracting your core and inner thighs more.
Stay in the posture for several breaths. Slowly release by lowering back into a squat.
Hover Knee
Strengthens arms, wrists, and upper body
Tones and strengthens core muscles
Lengthens upper back muscles
Increases balance, focus, and stamina while preparing you for more challenging arm balances
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or another wrist injury
Shoulder injury
You can place a pillow on the floor in front of your head if balance is challenging for you
You can place your forehead on a block while you practice lifting your feet. Once you lift your feet you can slowly pick your head up off the block and look forward
You can try lifting one foot at a time and alternating feet until you build the strength to lift both feet off the ground
Crow Pose stimulates the Root Chakra (Muladhara), Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana), and Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura). This posture helps the practitioner feel great.