Bhatha, pathma asana benefit

Sanskrit Name: – Baddha Padmasana. 


English Name: Bolted Lotus Posture. 

Position: Sitting.** 

In Sanskrit "Baddha" signifies bound or bolted. Baddha Padmasana is otherwise called bolted lotus present, cause the pieces of the body, during in Baddha Padmasana , are immovably secured and set to build up its consistent quality, during this stance, the toes are handle by the fingers, alongside the arms crossed from behind. This posture is the development level of Padmasana. From the outset you need to dominate in Padmasana and other essential asana, after that you can rehearse this Asana. In your first endeavor on the off chance that you can't play out this asana, do however much you can, don't compel yourself for playing out this Posture. 

Steps of Baddha Padmasana (Bolted Lotus Posture) 

Sit in the Padmasana (Lotus Posture), Keep your feet high on your thighs, simply near the crotch. 

Spot your right arm despite to your good faith and reach round till your right hand is near the left hip. 

Presently bow forward a bit; contort your trunk to your right side and attempt to get a handle on the right thumb of toe, laying on the left thigh immovably with the forefinger and the center finger. 

Sit straight and stay in the situation for a couple of moments. 

Proportionally, place your left arm despite your good faith; crossing your right arm and attempt to reach round till your left hand is near your right hip. 

Presently twist forward a bit. Contort your middle to one side and unite your shoulder bones, attempt to get a handle on the left thumb of toe, laying on the right thigh solidly with the pointer and the center finger. 

Sit straight and stay in the situation for a couple of moments. 

Presently your arms and legs are firmly bolted. 

Attempt to keep your head, neck and spine straight. 

Your knees should press the ground. 

Gaze directly forward and breathing regularly. 

It is the last situation of Baddha Padmasana. 

Attempt to hold this posture for around ten seconds or as long as you can. 

Presently discharge your hands and open the foot lock and return to the underlying position. 

Rehash similar interaction with your substitute legs and hands moreover. 

Advantages of Baddha Padmasana 

÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ (Bolted Lotus Posture) 

Make your legs adaptable. 

It extends the joints of shoulders, wrists, back, elbows, hips, knees, lower legs and makes them more adaptable. 

Useful in the shoulders and back torment. 

It works on the stance of the spine. 

It builds the scope of the shoulder developments. 

It is valuable in blockage and works on the elements of stomach related framework. 

Every day practice of this Asana is helpful in Joint inflammation. 

Assists with making your spine straight. 


Attempt to get a handle on the right thumb of your toe with the fingers of your right hand and the left thumb toe with the fingers of your left hand. This Asana need needs a serious level of expertise so endeavor this posture in the wake of dominating in the essential Asanas. *****Avoid this asana in the event of knee injury, serious back or shoulder torment. Pregnant ladies stay away from this Posture. **If you truly need to get the every one of the advantages of Asana and Pranayama you need to rehearse do.



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