vibaritha dhanur asana


Step by step instructions to Do It:* 
Start on your back with your knees twisted, feet hip-width separated, toes pointing forward and shins straight. Crush your glutes to lift your hips up off the ground while raising your arms up over your head. Plant your palms close to your ears with your fingers pointing in. Push down through your hands and feet to lift your middle and delicately go onto the crown of your head. Lower each lower arm down in turn and entwine your fingers behind your head. Ensure your elbows are straightforwardly in accordance with your shoulders and crush everything (internal thighs remembered) in towards your midline. Push down through your elbows and lift your head up off the ground, opening your chest and squeezing out through the entryway of your shoulders. To abbreviate and develop your position, inch your feet nearer to your hands. For the one-legged variety, balance on one foot while arriving at your other foot high towards the sky. 

Advantages of Two-Legged Modified Staff Pose:* 
Opens your chest, shoulders and hips 

Reinforces and tones your upper and lower body 

Further develops lung limit and assimilation.



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