Breathing by Yoga

The right way to do pulse purification
 Keeping your waist straight, sit in Padmasana, Ardha Padmasana or Sukhasana in whichever you are able to sit according to the convenience.  Your neck will neither rise up nor bend down.  The easiest way to measure what is the correct position of the neck is to keep a gap of four fingers close to your neck.  Just the neck will remain here, very slightly bent.
 Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand, the left nostril with the middle finger.  If you want, place the index finger ie fore finger in the middle of your eyebrow, eyebrow.  By the way, it is not necessary to keep the fore finger in the middle.
 Keep your right hand as close to the body as possible.  Don't lift it because if you lift it your hand will start hurting in no time.
 In yoga, the breath is called supplement, the exhalation is called laxative and the breath is called Kumbhaka.  When breath is stopped, it is called internal Kumbhaka and when it is stopped by exhaling it is called external Kumbhaka.
 Close your eyes softly.  In the summer season, start it by inhaling from the left nostril i.e. Chandra Swara or in the winter season, start breathing through the Surya Swar i.e. the right nostril.
 Suppose the heat is going on, then press the right nostril with your thumb and fill the breath from the left nostril, exhale through the right nostril, then inhale from the right nostril and release it from the left.  This sequence will continue.  Breathe long and deep, don't force it.  Try not to hear your breathing.and yoga?
 If you can, keep the ratio of supplement and laxative 1: 2, that is, if it takes 5 seconds to inhale, then it takes 10 seconds to exhale.
 Now if you can, do Kumbhak slowly, that is, after inhaling, stop as easily as you can and after exhaling, stop as easily as you can.  Keep in mind that it should never be forced.  Otherwise
 The meaning of Pranayama will be lost.  Let everything go smoothly.
 If you can go beyond this, then in Kumbhak also take twice as much time as supplement, that is, if it takes 5 seconds to inhale, then 10 seconds in Kumbhaka (internal), then 10 seconds in Rechaka (exhalation) then 10 seconds in Kumbhaka (outer).  You have to move forward one by one.
 First just inhale and exhale.  Then keep the ratio of 1 and 2 in inhalation and exhalation.  Then inhale in the ratio of 1, 2 and 2, hold the breath and exhale.  After this, inhale in the ratio of 1, 2, 2 and 2, hold the breath, exhale, then hold the breath.

 Breathing in through the left nostril, exhaling through the right and then inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling from the left is considered one frequency.  You do nine times i.e. nine repetitions.
 You can do this pranayama thrice a day in the morning, afternoon and evening.  Well, morning is the best time.

 Benefits of pulse purification health science yoga and breathing💥

 This creates balance in both the nadis.  The body temperature remains correct.
 The nervous system becomes strong.
 The inclination of the mind towards good behavior and simplicity.
 By doing Kumbhak in this, oxygen reaches the last parts of the lungs.  This brings out the dirt present in the blood.
 Increases the strength of the lungs and increases their working power🔥



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