Garuda Eagle sirasasana

Garuda.sirasasana, Eagle🌟
The sole purpose of Yoga is to help you cultivate higher consciousness. When you practice Asanas, you activate your energy points to cultivate a harmonious relationship between your mind and your body. A strong mind-body connection helps you rise above your challenges with poise and intelligence.*
Today’s Asana is a great pose to improve your concentration, sense of balance, and overall strength. 

1. Begin in Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Facing Dog Pose.

2. Slowly come into Sirsasana / Headstand.

3. Exhale and slowly cross your left thigh over your right thigh without losing your balance. Wrap your left foot around your right calf. 

4. Inhale and maintain your balance. 5. Gaze at the tip of your nose.

6. Stay in this pose for 3 long breaths.

To come out of this pose, unwind your legs and come into Balasana / Child’s Pose.

*Beginners, don’t lose hope. Just be patient and practice till you get it right!

Benefits of Garuda Sirsasana / Eagle in Headstand💯
Reduces stress and anxiety.
Improves your sense of balance and concentration.

Improves blood circulation to the brain.

Slows down ageing.

Massages internal organs.

Improves digestion.

Activates all energy points.

Strengthens your arms, shoulders, spine, calves, ankles, and core muscles.

Recommended for people with varicose veins, thyroid, asthma, infertility and diabetes.
Who should avoid Garuda Sirsasana  Eagle in Headstand
Anyone suffering from severe knee, back, neck or head injuries.

Anyone suffering from high or low blood pressure, heart problems, weight issues, hernia.

*Avoid during pregnancy if you are not an experienced practitioner🔥



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