God pana linga hindu mythology
Kubera Lingam Invocation that makes ordinary man and millionaire
The karpaka virutsa mantra that gives thought is diksha🔸
Invoking the Kubera Lingam The Kubera Lingam is invoked in the Pana Lingam brought directly from the Narmada River in Madhya Pradesh.
Worship of Pana Lingas will bring many crores of benefits. Thoughts will come true. Those who dedicate the Pana Lingam will get rid of the sins (karma) committed in their 16 generations, God siva Purana🔻
If they look at the dedication of the Pana Lingam and think of doing the Shivalinga dedication in the same way, their sins will vanish.
Those who dedicate the Pana Lingam will have the privilege of attaining Shiva Lokam for their hundred generations of Piturs.
Those who dedicate the Pana Lingam will get 120 crore years of being in the Shiva world, yoga sutra🔹
Therefore, the Kubera Linga is invoked in the Pana Linga for those who are practicing Kubera Indigenous Attraction and is given to everyone.
Along with this, the Karbhaka Virutsha Mantra that gives what is asked is given by Lakshmi Virutsham 108.Hindu mythology 👍
There will never be hell for those who nurture chastity and all prosperity will abound. There are all sorts of benefits.
Removing sin is fruitful
Blessings bestowed on a thousand people ..
Benefit of bathing in the holy rivers like the Ganges.
Visiting 108 Shiva temples will pay off.
The place where Karbhaka Virutsham is located is the place where Mahalakshmi resides.God
Dedication of Karbhaka Virutsha to Shiva removes the three genma sins
Wealth grows if Karbhaka Virutshat is cultivated. Mahalakshmi will live permanently where Karbhaka Virutshat is cultivated.
Visiting Shiva places in Kashi to Rameswaram is beneficial.
He removes poverty from the worshipers of the Virgin and fulfills his desires, and cure disease ,Benefit of Aswamedhayagam.