Sitting one leg pose
Eka Padottanasana
Sit in the Seated Base Position (Prarambhik Sthiti).
Bend the right knee and position the sole of the foot on the inside of the left thigh.
Bend the left leg and place the foot on the floor in front of the left buttock.
Raise the left foot and interlock the fingers underneath.
Draw the left knee towards the abdomen.
Keep the spine long and gradually straighten the leg to the ceiling.
Hold the pose for as long as comfortable then release by bending the knee and lowering the foot to the floor.
Practice up to 5 times with this leg and repeat up to 5 times with the other leg.
Inhale to prepare.
Retain the breath in while raising and holding the pose.
Exhale to release and return the foot to the floor.
Relaxation in the back and the thighs.
The length of the spine.
Synchronized breath with movement.
Manipura chakra.
Back conditions.
Stretches the spine, shoulders and hamstrings.
Stimulates the adrenals.
Improves digestion.
Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort.